ElementaryChristian.com is a free, online supplemental education resource for elementary-age children to learn about the basic parts of the Bible, events in the Bible and aspects of the Christian faith through the play of interactive games, activities and quizzes!
Each activity or game
includes a suggested
grade level!
Gr K and up
Gr 1 and up
Gr 2 and up
Gr 3
and up
Gr 4
and up
Miracles Drag & Drop
Gr 3
Quick List of Games & Activities!
Creation-Book of Genesis Timeline Activity | Easter Events Stone Puzzle | Easter Cross Puzzle |
Christmas & Nativity Quiz | Four Gospels Memory Game | Nativity Scene Drag & Drop Activity | Easter Events Matching Game
Animals in the Bible Quiz | Catch the Word from the Book of Corinthians | Rainbow Colors Matching Game | The Last Supper Puzzle |
Miracles Drag & Drop Activity | Stained Glass Church Window Puzzle | Lost Sheep Drag & Drop Activity | The Three W's of Prayer | Time & Numbers in the Bible Matching Activity | Bible Knowledge Matching Activity | The Lion & Lamb Puzzle | Symbols of the Holy Spirit Drag & Drop Activity | Gospel Word Scramble | Jonah & the Whale Quiz | Noah's Ark Drag and Drop Activity | Book of Exodus Quiz